Welcome to PokéPal!

About PokéPal Bot:-
Bot Name:- PokéPal#4575
Bot ID:- 858790214000443442
Bot Owner:- Riddler#0001
Bot Owner ID:- 723885381652578326
Bot Prefix(Default):- (p!)
Bot Status:- PokéPal Is Currently Added In 70+ Servers
Official Bot Server Name:- PokéPal
Official Bot Server ID:- 784073607680360458
Official Bot Server Owner:- Riddler#0001
Official Bot Server Owner ID:- 723885381652578326

We Have Bot Features Like:-

We Have Unique Bot Features Like:-
Currently On Going Bot Event:

PokéPal Bot's Official Server
PokéPal HQ Have Features Like:

Private Hunting:- Only Available For Server Boosters And Bot Donators
Fishing:- Fishing
Private Fishing:- Available For Server Boosters And Bot Donators
PokéPal Gyms:- 18 Different Type Of Gyms (Soon Will Open All Of Them)

I Will Be Very Thankful If You Follow Me Add Our PokéPal Bot In Your Servers!
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PokéPal Official Server:-

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